Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Tim and I, on Sunday, said to ourselves, ok, I know we've been talking shit about going to the museum for weeks, but tomorrow is a public holiday, so let's go tomorrow. It will be a nice sunny day and we can go on the bike ride through Torrens park to get there. Well, we didn't go. So we said, let's go tomorrow. We didnt go. We have made solid plans to go, every day, and it is now Wednesday, and we have not gone! Tim has been really unable to sleep, so I feel bad waking him up, and I'll be honest, I really loves my sleep and will get what I can, so we just sleep in later than makes it plausible to even ride in to town to go. SIGH, can't win them all, I guess. Maybe we'll go tomorrow... and tomorrow and tomorrow...

Most of our roomies have been on vacations out of town for most of this week or last, and the house has been pretty darn empty aside from Tim and I... well the last of them get home tomorrow, so the energy level (and noise level) should go up accordingly. I never thought I would say this, in a house with 5 boys and me, but I'll be kinda glad.

In other news... I read the Communist Manifesto, and I was incredibly disappointed by it. How was anything from that in direct influence of a political system used in two 'superpower' countries? I think this may be a classic case of people reading too much into something. Good on them, for their creativity; but bad on the writers, cause I'm going to be honest, I thought it was badly put together. Tim doesn't really agree, but, maybe North America has a different opinion on Communism since the US hates it... and Australia hears more news from China than the USA on their own news... Who knows.

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