Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like...

Today Lace and I went on adventure with Tim and his bike.
We took our bikes to St Peters park, on the Torrens River. (Map below shows the end of the River St cul-de-sac, just below it is a small green blob, which follows the river to a BIG green space, which is all around the City proper (or CBD, Central Business District) We didn't make it all around, but we went through the Uni area. It was so awesome. The zoo is across the river from part of our ride, and since they are building (for the pandas!!!), the close side was blocked off. I still got a pretty neat look see. There were tons of black swans (I know, cool) and lots of parroty local birds, including some that look sortof like monsters from Silent Hill. They also have Quails, which are different from quails back home, since ours have flopped over round bobbles on their heads, and these ones have straight up, nazi helmet style feather spikes. Pretty awesome. Did I mention that they have BLACK swans?! Part of the river has this HUGE fountain, and it has fake origami boats, It was absolutely the cutest thing. There were a lot of people lazing around on the grass and enjoying their day, it was really cool that its right beside the huge bustley city, but everything in this park is just calm and slow.

That said, one of the panda's names is Wang Wang.
Have a great day!

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Mindesyn said...

Black swans...something something...silent Hill...something something...Nazi helmet...something something...Wang Wang...I like this story!!

disibor: word verification.

Ashh said...

Hahahaha well when you put it that way....