Monday, September 14, 2009

Random made up words.


This is what Tim and his friends do in their spare time. They go into buildings and drains and train tunnels and all this shit. This is something that is not only completely foreign and unheard of for me, but it is also nerve wracking in ways it should never be. I'm going to clarify now that I have no fear of heights. None. The only thing I am afraid of is climbing down on awkward ladders. Getting up is fine, looking down is fine, but I fear losing my grip. This has nothing to do with what we did though, as it was all stairs. Last night we went on top of some old building, and it had a metal roof. I did not realize this, but Tim said "you should check out the other side." Well to GET to the other side, I had to get off the wooden (stable) walkway and cross the actual corrugated metal (unstable) roof. I made it about 5 steps before my brain logged that "hey... this roof bends when you walk on it... hey what's that creaking noise?" At that point I lost every desire I had to go forward, and I was too terrified to go back. I stood there shaking by myself, because Tim was busy helping his friend take photos for his Uni class, which is actually why we went in the first place. It was awful. Then he came over, and not knowing HOW scared I was, made fun of me. Then called me out in front of everyone there to walk across it, and then walked over himself. I was terrified. But I lived. He didn't KNOW that I was crying the whole way, because it was dark and I didn't want anyone to know. Being the only girl, and being the only noob, is very very embarassing. I have always felt when I'm in a group that I have to keep up, it's just who I am, so it was very awkward and socially horrible for me. So then, I stood there, too afraid to look over the edge at the view, despite not being afraid of heights, because the already scary metal roof didn't go all the way to the edge, and there was a good 5-6 inch gap. So in all reality, I missed the whole purpose of being there in the first place, because I didn't feel I could ask if it was safe. Then Tim walked away. And I was stuck very very far away from anything considerably stable. Eventually I found which corrugation a metal beam was under, and powered all the fucking way across the roof. I then sat on some concrete and cried and shook some more.
I don't blame Tim for it, this isn't that kind of story, he had no idea how awful it was for me, and I didn't feel I could LET him know.
The moral of the story is that one should probably never ever try this urbex thing unless they feel comfortable embarassing themselves in groups, or have only one other person whom they can cling to if need be. At least until you know the ropes. Which I despirately do not.

It was not all bad though, next we went to another building they have in their repertoire, which was conveniently all indoors, and all perfectly stable (aside from creaky, but admittedly stable wooden floors.) Tim showed me around while more photos got taken, and not much of his help was needed. I actually really enjoyed it. It was this old professional building, and it had once housed several podiatrists (and endodiatrists, whatever the fuck that is) so there were all these creepy foot molds left behind. It was pretty cool. But it was also really creepy, because part of my brain was shouting "Stop! This is where horror films happen! Get out of these abandoned doctors offices!" Inevitably though, we had no run ins with zombie doctors, mangled patients, or creepy bioengineered mutants. Thank goodness.

We then went to the grocery store in town thats open all night. While we were drinking our milks outside (more on this later) there was this creepy old lady that I saw when Tim took me to the beach lurking about and she was MESSED up on drugs. It was very reminiscent of Grandma Death from Donnie Darko. She didnt cross the street many times, but she did go in approximately this order: 5 feet forward. Stop for 5 minutes and stare blankly. 5 feet back. Stop for 5 minutes and stare blankly. 6 feet forward. Stop for 5 minutes and stare blankly. 5 feet back. Stop for 5 minutes and stare.... repeat. She, she was making progress, but it was very creepy slow progress. She was much less drugged at the beach, and mostly just sat in doorways and on benches. So it was very weird. Then once we left to head back home, a few blocks later there was an old DUDE doing the same thing on another street! They had the same hair cut, and obviously the same dealer. It was weird. Fucking loonies.

I guess I didn't blog about my beach trip, so here goes. Tim and I went to the posh urban cosmopolitan beach the other day. Despite it being what neither of us like about beaches, I really wanted to go, and I figured now, the very beginning of spring, would be the best and least busy time. So we wandered. I collected some big shells that I have some great ideas on how to turn into jewelry once I can afford paint and other craft supplies. We also checked out this really wicked record store, which I may have to go back to. We walked to the end of the jetty, and looked out at the vast oceany horizon. I have never lived this close to the ocean, and it was amazing. I am absolutely excited about living here. The sand is so white and nice. It has this ridiculously amazing texture that I cannot even begin to describe. It is actually difficult to walk in because its so nice. I'm not going to lie, this shit tops Waikiki sand. Oh, and we saw a crazy lady. Hahaha.

Oooh, Eli and Tim and I also went riding looking for Hard Rubbish... Basically people are encouraged to throw out furniture etc they do not want and the city comes to pick it up a few days later, but people go and take stuff from the piles if they need it, its like a big community yard sale, only no money is involved. We went to the store after our ride, and Eli bought us ice cream treats. They were like Revellos, however, they had a layer of cookie crubs, then the chocolate outer of a revel, then a layer of frozen cookie, then the ice cream inside. And... it was called.... Golden Gaytime. The box had 4 in it, and the catch phrase was "4 delicious chances to have a gaytime!" I almost died of laughing. It was very delicious.

All of these adventures were brought to you by, my new bike. Which was a hard rubbish score the guys made. We have about 15 bikes in various state of disarray, but this bike is a full on girls bike, and therefore isnt WAY too big for me. They made it work, and now I keep to ride around on an old school chick bike. It's fucking SWEET. It's name is Lace. I did not name it this, but I accepted it full on.


Mindesyn said...

Gyras. thats the word I needed to verify this post.

Headstrong as ever to keep up with others I see, thats a good trait to have, gives you a moderate amount of inner strength. All these trips sound so nice around your country. I wish Canada wasnt so spread out. I would attempt to travel more.

Ashh said...

I don't have to verify when I type, woohoo!

I almost hate it, this thing that makes me struggle quietly. If only I would let myself look dumb sometimes, everything would be much less stressful! But, I guess it makes me do things.

I'm not really travelling around the country, I now live in a town with 1.3 or so million people, there is a LOT to explore in just my city alone. I really do want to get out and see more of it, but Tim and I both need some income before we can even think about it.

New Years, our friends who just moved to Tasmania are having a party, so we may go down there, not too sure what going on, but it will be awesome.

That said, I'm really loving that I can do so much different shit in one city that I'm getting worried about coming back home and trying to move back into Vernon, I don't know if I will be ok living the small town life that comes with 50,000 people (we all know I couldnt handle the 5000 of Mackenzie). We shall see, I guess. Maybe I am citified beyond repair!

Travel is definitely something I recommend *IF* it makes you happy. I've been thinking alot lately about how different I am to many of the people I went to school with. A very high percentage of them went to trades of college, so many of them have full on careers, or full on families. I of course have neither. But I'm much happier than I would be if I was successful on the level that they are. If school or trades and having a set job makes them happy awesome, but I personally would be miserable, so I don't really house any regrets about it, but if those people had traveled like I have, maybe they would be miserable for having wasted so much time doing useless nothing.
I guess the moral of the story is whatever it is you do, make sure its for you and not because you think its what *should* make a person happy.