Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One Step Back, 3 Steps Forward

I got a much much much better job. I'll be working at Barbeques Galore, selling "typical Aussie blokes" bbq's. Sounds fun, right? I'm so excited, it should be nice to have people walk in and want what I'm selling, instead of me rocking up and being like here, buy something you don't want or need! I go in tomorrow for paperwork and training and such. The only down side is its like a billion miles away and will likely take an hour via bus, but that's ok, it will give me time with my iPod, and my notebook.

I was reading a small Vice magazine, Sumer Guide, and they had a thingy on how to make Halloween themed SNOWGLOBES. Stay tuned for some art and glitter-as-fake-blood themed creativity sessions!

Things otherwise have been going well, if you average it out over the last week. It started off sunny and hot hot hot and now it is raining (so hard of rain, you simply cannot imagine this rain, it actually hurts the skin if it hits you in the face.) The rain won't last long though, I hope. Tim and I had a big fight, but then we had a big patching up. Normally, this is yes, good news, but this time it feels much more resolved. Hopefully this is good. Moving across the world is so stressful, even when it doesn't FEEL like it is, it is. I realize that, even though its easy to make it about me and how hard it is for me, since I am the one out of my home and my familiarity and my friends... its hard on everyone who has to suddenly make room for this new chick they don't REALLY know that well. I mean, I did kind of invade a bachelor pad.

I'm really excited about having a job I am really truly excited about, and I think I will be getting up to much more mischief because of it. This should make my writing much more dynamic, so cross your fingers!


Mindesyn said...

Do they pronounce it Bar-Be-Que? or B-B-Q?
An hour away isnt TOO bad, In Saskatoon I used to walk 90 minutes to work everyday. I refuse to take the bus. Same deal I just used my discman at the time.

In more grotesque news, I think I got something in my digestive tract, because Ive had diarrhea for about 8 days straight, some with blood, some without. So I hope I didnt catch anything serious.

Ashh said...

Just like back home, they use both lol. I would refuse to take the bus, but lets be honest, that is just not practical. I am so not walking for 5 hours to get there. It gets hot here, and I don't think being a sweaty mess is going to get me very far in sales! Otherwise, I ride my pretty red bike, which given that i have to scoot RIGHT through rush hour traffic, aint gonna happen either!

Thats awful, and a bit more information than i potentially needed, but I hope you get better soon darling!! <3